Wedding fever? Well, I love a parade ... and pretty dresses ... and national pride ... and buildings filled with history ... and pomp and pageantry for sure ... so yes, a bit. Must say I've watched or read almost nothing to this point but as the day approaches I'm looking forward to tucking in to hours and hours and hours of the stuff. This isn't just any Royal Wedding, it's a 'man-who-could-be-king' shindig!
As my "getting into the event" I have been planning to make the Chocolate Biscuit Cake (that I'd never heard of) which is planned to be the grooms cake. There seem to be quite a few variations for the recipe - which I always like to see as I only ever take general advice from a recipe - but I think I may have landed somewhere between this loosy-goosy Nigella version (below) or the heavy chocolate to biscuit ratio without cherries, raisins and nuts, shown in the Chicago Tribune.

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