Rain, rain, and more rain ... When are we happy to see the rain in Ontario? When it is washing away all the snow - yippee! Now, I understand it is not yet Spring, and yes I accept that there will likely be more snow ... BUT ... at least when Spring does roll around there will be less snow to get in it's way.

It's been a busy week with not too much time for crafting, but I have been ever so good about not starting anything new and plodding along with existing projects with the time I have. My first ripple blanket is coming along nicely with not too much further to go I think.
In the meanwhile, I thought I'd share with you another one of my favourite hat patterns. This version is super warm and knit with two strands of wool. You can also use a bulky chunky wool in single strand, which might be nice.

As the design folds back for the 'brim' there is a lot of warmth and comfort around your ears. It's rather surprising that I haven't made more of these given the host of colour combination possibilities with two strands. And I think - (don't know as I haven't tried yet) - that if you used two solid colours of wool, you would end up with a very nice tweedy effect.
This hat is called the "Minnesota Winter Hat" and you can find the pattern at
Bev's Country Cottage.
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