This is another variation of the Basic Hat for Anyone pattern that I am quite pleased with. This version blends a faux fur novelty yarn with the wool, and the result is soft, warm and yes, fuzzy. I was of the opinion that this trend might be on the way out until I saw almost the exact hat I made my mum for Christmas (black as requested) in a New York fashion show.

I experimented (of course) with a few variations and found that using garter stitch (knit every row) when incorporating the faux fur yarn gave the best results. For the pink and red hats above, the sequence is 2 rows stocking stitch (wool), 2 rows gartar stitch (wool + novelty yarn). This will use almost the entire ball of faux fur yarn for an adult hat.

This version, in white, is gartar with wool and faux fur yarn for the entire body. The result is super luxurious, but you'll need a lot of the yarn. I also find that without the stocking stitch to retain the shape, this version is a little more 'slouchy' - but that is actually a nice thing!
The base pattern for variations in sizing can be found at
Kathy North's The Hat for Anyone.
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